Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Thursday, February 8, 2024

I Assumed...


Started a Patreon

 Just a post to say I started a Patreon for this blog.

Will anything change with this blog? No.

Will I be posting things there before I do here? No. In fact I probably won't post ANYTHING there.

Do you have to join my Patreon? No.

I just figured, why not start one? The worst that can happen is nobody joins and everything stays the same. At most, I wouldn't mind making enough to cover my Photoshop subscription. Yeah, it's a subscription service now. So here's the link to it,

There will also be a small link on the side of the blog.

Feel free to join or not. Doesn't matter. Just have a good day!

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Single Frame Pics

 Sorry for not posting for a bit. I've been pretty ill the past few days. Feeling MUCH better now. 

To Make A Point