Thursday, January 30, 2025

The Future of the Blog... (Just an update, don't panic!)

 So, as the new year is about to go into the next month, I thought I'd give a head's up as to what you can expect going forward. As of right now, nothing will change. Posts will happen every couple of days or more. I'll usually respond to comments when I post. All the normal stuff.

I do feel the need to give you warning that it may not stay this way. While I don't currently live in a state with a porn ban, the state I live in does have a habit of passing very regressive policies. As such, if my state becomes one of the ones that bans porn, restrictive lgbtq+ laws, or any mix of those two, this blog may end up being a victim of those policies.

All that being said, again, nothing is going to change currently. Just be prepared that it may not ALWAYS be that way. Be safe. Be happy. Be empathetic.

And if you're a person who might have voted for the type of people who would push these policies, 1. Why are you here? And 2. If you are here and enjoy this content, maybe you need to rethink some things in your life and look in the mirror because they may not come for you FIRST, but they WILL come for you...

Sorry for the rant, but my usually bright bulb of hope is VERY dim. Hopefully it will start to glow again...



  1. I'm not from the US so all I can do is look in from the outside and just whitness what direction your country will move into over the next years. I just hope that the hateful crap those bigots in power are spewing is mostly just "all bark and no bite" and I wish that all of you affected by the new government get through this. To pick up on the picture you have painted: As overly optimistic as it might sound right now, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, so keeping that dim light in your bulb of hope glowing may be the best thing you can do right now. Keep your head up and stay strong!

  2. I genuinely will miss your stories if this blog has to come down. I’m a cis/bi and find the stories very enjoyable. And often identify with your straight lover characters.

    I’ve loved your stories since I discovered them on imagefap several years back. I live in a state with some of these laws and it’s kind of weird.

    1. Right now it just seems like the worst case scenario. Unfortunately the worst case scenario for many things are actively happening. I'll keep going as long as I can, but I just wanted to prepare people for the possibility it could end without notice.

  3. Dear Emmy, I have been following the news from your country with concern. You are a very dear person, even despite the physical and virtual distance. I have been enjoying your blog since 2021. I hope you're well and continue to delight us with these wonderful caps. These serve as inspiration for me, I write many spicy stories thanks to them. Luv u girl

    1. Thank you for the kind words. As of now, I'm still in a good spot. Used to be I'd say 'ask me again in a few months,' but the way things are going I need to replace months with days. I'm glad I could help inspire someone to embrace their creative side. Hopefully I can continue to do so for a long while.


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